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Monday, September 16, 2013

The White Line

A few nights ago I was traveling back from Salt Lake City after a long day of meetings. Nothing was out of the ordinary and after a quick dinner with a friend and some grocery shopping I was on my way home. It has been rainy, but most of the drive was fairly dry. It was getting rather dark though. While I can still see when I drive at night, my Astigmatism and Cataract make oncoming traffic a little unpleasant. Because of this I tend to focus on the white line on my right hand side when traffic passes. I was just getting into the canyon after Heber City and there was a lot of traffic coming out of the canyon. I was focusing on the white line, when I realized there was a car in my lane coming (rather quickly) towards me. (Some awesome driver decided to pass two other cars and a semi). I was able to slam on my brakes and swerve to the shoulder and luckily was safe by a few inches of what otherwise could have been a very different ending.
Reflecting on this experience, I learned several things. First, that I know without a doubt that were it not the Lord's will for me to still be on this earth, I would no longer be here. Second, that life will always be full of surprises, and I need to be better at knowing I'm square with The Lord and fully using the Atonement, because you never know the hour that you will be called home. Third, I realized that too often I am focusing on :the white line" of the world and not aware of the sin, snares, and entrapments that are hurling my way. However, if I keep my focus instead on the Savior and God's will, then I can maneuver the pitfalls and dangers of the world and be shielded by the Gospel. Last, I learned that all too often I am like that other driver rushing to get to no-where and putting myself in danger where if only I would be patience for a little while longer, the destination will be clear and free from harm. 

Above all, I was reminded tonight through one of my favorite verses, 1 Nephi 11:17 "I knoweth that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things." 

Many would chalk this up to luck or just a close call, but I know that is was a tender mercy from my loving Heavenly Father and an opportunity for me to learn the power of prayer, faith, and be reminded of the love of God.