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Monday, October 24, 2011

One Day - just like that

One day, I was sitting in my office thinking what to do next to keep myself busy; when suddenly the phone started ringing and e-mails began rolling in. Just like that.... it is nice having "busy" come to me instead of me finding it.

One day, I will begin to make friends "just like that." My ward was combined two weeks ago with the other singles ward in the area. I am praying that this bunch is a little more friendly and the Bishopric gets a better clue on welcoming in the new. Was that murmuring? oops.....

One day - just like that, I will find another roommate. My current roomie moves out at the end of the month. Her internship was supposed to end, but got extended, however, her boyfriend and English Mastiff are moving down so he can intern too (The boy not the dog). Since we can't have pets, and my landlord doesn't want both of them there, she is leaving. I told her we could put a fish costume on the dog and a skirt on the boy - but we figured it would fail.

One Day, just like that, I got a washing machine! Thanks to my sis and her fam. using their UEA weekend to come play with the Dinos and deliver my lovely machine. Friday night we went to Red Fleet State Park. It was beautiful! Here are a few prize shots at sunset.  I am so impressed with my Iphone camera sometimes.

One day - prob. not just like that, I will be financially stable. I have to work at that one every darn day. Having the roommate - just like that - would help this one.

One Day - Just Like That!
P.S. Finally one day - just like that - I might meet a winner like these gents....


  1. Christal, HA HA Half of those guys in that video were in my ward up at Utah State! NOT KIDDING! I could hook you up! So funny!

  2. I know one of the guys, thats how I discovered this video. Oh buddy...
